

Bucket list: Hotels

We usually find cheap hotels used only to get some sleep and store our luggage. But there are some exciting hotels being worthy of a bit more money and time. #1: JumboStay Hotel, Arlanda Ever complained about small leg room on flights and trouble sleeping? In Sweden they rebuilt a jumbo jet into […]

Bucket list: Attractions

“Everyone” needs a bucket list, so we made one of a bit more unusual attractions. #1: Machu Picchu Machu Picchu might not be too unknown, but it is at least an attraction not to easily accessible. First you have to fly to Peru, travel to Cusco from there and walk 2-4 […]

Scratch Map

For Christmas I was lucky enough to get a Scratch Map from my Fiancée. A scratch map is just like a scratch card, but with countries instead of prizes.